
Latin Link has many specific opportunities for service in Latin America and Europe, including Britain and Ireland. We are looking for people with various skills and experience to fill these roles.

Volunteer for Latin Link


To enquire about volunteering in any of our regional offices (Reading, Edinburgh, Belfast) please contact info@latinlink.org.uk, or visit our volunteering page for more information.


Mission placements in Latin America

To browseĀ a selection of someĀ current individual/family placement opportunities in Latin America,Ā click hereĀ (this will open the Latin Link International website in a new window).

Stride programme

All individual/family placements are part of our Stride programme, which involves anĀ initial commitment of 6-24 months unless you have already served with Latin Link. More general information on the Stride programme can be foundĀ here.

Stay programme

Those who serve with Latin Link for more than two years are called Stay members. They begin with a two-year introduction via the Stride programme, after which a transtition to longer-term service can take place. If this interests you, please find out moreĀ here.


Short-term Mission TeamsĀ 

Step programme

If you’d prefer to serve for a shorter length of time as part of a team, you can find details about short-term Step TeamsĀ here.


Mission placements in Britain and Ireland

Incoming Mission ministry

Or if you’re from Latin America and specifically want to serve in Britain andĀ Ireland, you can find out moreĀ here.