Latin America
Latin Link believes in multi-directional mission. We send and receive individuals, families and teams to and from Latin American countries, to share the love of God. Find out more about countries in Latin America where we have members.
The largest Spanish-speaking country in the world with a varied climate and diverse population. Many Argentinians are nominally Catholic and a big percentage are under 25 years old. There's a growing hunger for God and a need for relational discipleship and equipping Argentinians for mission.
Bolivia is a country of great cultural and geographical diversity and beauty, alongside considerable poverty and physical and spiritual need. The highest and most isolated of Latin American countries, where many families, churches and communities need strengthening and encouraging.
Brazil is geographically huge and diverse, covering much of the continent and sharing borders with almost every country in South America. It is South America’s leading economic power, but suffers from highly unequeal wealth distribution and there is still great need, both spiritually and physically.
Chile is a country with many climates and landscapes, including mountains, beaches, deserts and Arctic tundra. Still recovering from a violent coup in 1973, Chile has a fairly successful economy and good levels of education. There are many opportunities to work here with students and churches.
The third most populous country in Latin America, Colombia celebrates creativity and colour. After more than 50 years of civil war, its people are now looking forwards with great resilience and resourcefulness. And there are many opportunities to serve God alongside them.
Costa Rica
A beautiful country with two ocean coasts and fertile land. Costa Rica's economy relies on agricultural exports and tourism. The evangelical church grew in the 1970s-1980s but has struggled since. Latin Link members work in a wide range of ministries and there are many opportunties to serve.
Ecuador is a land of amazing variety, from tropical coast and jungles, to mountains and the Galapagos Islands. It’s a strongly Catholic country, with a mixture of other religious influences, including evangelical churches of various kinds. There are many opportunities for mission.
Guatemala is known for its beauty, biodiversity and history, with three UNESCO world heritage sites. It has also suffered the trauma of a civil war and the ongoing challenge of organised crime and street violence. Ancient Mayan beliefs and rituals are still prevalent in some areas.
Mexico is a busy, vibrant country with great geographical and ethnic diversity. It has the second-largest economy in Latin America, but also suffers with corruption and drug-related gang violence. The Latin Link team here is growing and there are many opportunities to serve.
Nicaragua is economically the second poorest country in Latin America. Plentiful natural resources make it potentially wealthy, but many years of political turmoil and natural disasters have had a lasting impact. There are opportunities to serve in discipleship, leadership training and social action.
Peru is richly diverse with spectacular mountains, arid coastland and lush rainforests. Its people include descendants of both indigenous groups (the Quechua) and immigrants since the time of the Spanish conquest. It has the largest Latin Link country team, and many opportunities to serve.