Incoming Mission
For Latin Americans serving on mission in Britain and Ireland
Perhaps you feel called to serve in Britain and Ireland, or you want to test out a call to mission through a placement in Britain and Ireland? Or maybe you are just interested in finding out more about the possibilities of serving in Britain and Ireland. If so, then read on!
Incoming Mission Ministry
Incoming Mission is Latin Linkās Internship programme, that facilitates Latin Americans to come to Britain and Ireland in order to help churches serve their local communities. Incoming mission forms a key component of Latin Link’s Stride and Stay programmes.
If you’re a church looking to receive a Latin American mission worker, click here to learn more.
Why Incoming Mission?
There is a real need for Latin Americans to serve in Britain and Ireland. The Church here is shrinking, and is challenged by a society that is becoming increasingly multi-cultural and multi-religious and abandoning its Christian roots. As a result, the Church is losing its influence and becoming marginalised. Christians are struggling to know how to express their faith.
This is where Latin Americans can make such a difference. With your passion for the Gospel, your vibrant faith and easy-going nature, your ability to make friends and cross-cultural boundaries, Latin Americans can be of great assistance to churches in Britain and Ireland as they seek to reach out to their communities with the love and message of Jesus.
Throughout Britain and Ireland, there are churches who are keen to have a Latin American serve with them. The Incoming Mission ministry of Latin Link seeks to provide a channel by which Latin Americans can come to these shores and serve a church in a well-supported, loving and caring environment.
The sorts of work you might get involved in
The Incoming Mission ministry seeks to place Latin Americans in churches where they can contribute to church life by using their skills, culture, training and personality to maximum effect for the kingdom.
The work that you might get involved in is as varied as the work of the Church. So that could include:
- street evangelism
- helping to run a cafĆ© for the homelessĀ and the unemployed
- helping with a youth group
- serving on the worship team at church
- assisting in running childrenās or parents-and-toddlers groups
- supporting vulnerable women
- working with ethnic minorities and refugees
- running language classes for those who speak little or no English
- outreach to students (both local and international)
- and many other ways
If you have a particular area of expertise or work that you want to get involved in, let us know and we will do our best to match a placement to your needs.
How to apply
In the first instance, please contact the Latin Link team in your country to register your interest.
To do this, please go to our International website ( and click on Contact in the menu. Then fill in the “Send a Message” form. If you indicate the country you live in, an email will be sent direct to the team in that country. (If you are already living in the UK we will receive the email in the office here.) They will then start a conversation with you to find out more about you and the sort of work you are interested in.
As theĀ journey progresses there will be a number of things to work through and be confirmed, including:
- a sending church. We expect all applicants to identify a sending church that is willing to commend them and support them for ministry service;
- a set of application forms will need to be completed;
- an interview will be conducted and references requested;
- financial and prayer support. If the job is not salary-basedĀ the candidates will need to raise their own funds and encourage prayer support from churches, friends and other contacts.
Please note that you will be expected to have a reasonable level of English before you arrive in the UK. This will be to at least level 4.5 on the IELTs exam scale. Once in the UK, it may be agreed that you do some further English study if required.
A word about visas
As a UKVI official sponsor, Latin Link will normally sponsor your visa application and supervise the process. There are different categories of visa that can be appropriate, depending on your particular situation.