About Step Teams

Short-term mission opportunities in Latin America

Are you looking for your next adventure with God?
Why not join one of Latin Link's Step teams serving the Latin American church!
For just 3 weeks or up to 4 months, join a team of volunteers passionate to see God's kingdom come in Latin America

Step is an immersive introduction to global mission and cross-cultural living whilst participating in practical community-based projects. It’s a chance to tangibly share God’s love while living and serving alongside Latin Americans. We send teams every spring and summer, and also provide opportunites for you to take a team from your church or CU.


Step Team Facts


Season:     Spring and Summer

Time:          3 – 16 week placements

Entry age: 18+

Placement: Serve in Latin America or Spain, in both rural and urban settings

What do teams do?

As part of a Step team you can usually expect to be involved in the following:

 – A hands-on construction project

 – Sport and games

 – Supporting a local church

 – Community outreach

 – Drama, arts and crafts

 – Children’s work

 – Youth ministry

 – One amazing adventure that you’ll never forget!

Check out the links below to see our Step teams in action!

Step Reports

Read weekly updates from our Step teams!

Step FAQs

Who books flights? Your questions answered

The aims of Step

Whether helping children at risk in Guatemala or building a church in Brazil, the aim of Step is to:

Share and show the love of God by serving the Latin American Church through a practical or community-based project.
Encourage individuals to grow in their faith and to seek God’s purpose for their life as they serve cross-culturally.
Enthuse individuals with the desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through both word and deed whether at home or in another country.
Support the Latin American Church in their ongoing ministry in Latin America and worldwide, while actively seeking to learn from them.

Code of Best Practice

Latin Link is recognised by Global Connections as operating under the Code of Best Practice in Short-Term Mission 2019–20.