Prayer Resources
Join a praying community! Prayer is the fuel behind everything we do as Latin Link. We're so encouraged by those who pray for Latin Link members and for Latin America. We have a series of prayer resources available to help you.
Prayer Calendar
Each year, Latin Link produces a Prayer Calendar, containing information about all of its members serving across Latin America and Europe.
You can use it each day to guide and inspire your prayers. Read it online below, or request a paper copy here.
Prayer emails
Latin Link sends out weekly and monthly prayer updates. Sign up for any of these resources using the link below.
Other ways to pray
You can play an indispensable part in Latin mission by praying, and there are many ways to get involved!
Prayer groups
Gather to pray with others who are passionate about Latin American mission - online or in-person groups available!
Whether you like your updates weekly, monthly or annually, via post, email or app, here are some great resources to keep you up-to-date and help you pray!