Leave a Legacy

A gift that lasts longer than a lifetime


OverĀ 150 years ago, Dr Robert Reid Kalley and his family arrived in Rio de Janeiro to become the first evangelical workers in Brazil. Since then, numerous pioneers of Latin mission have given themselves to a similar calling. Their legacy has been countless changed lives, thriving churches, and a community of contemporary mission workers called Latin Link.

Today, not only are many in Latin America hearing and experiencing the good news about Jesus, but many local churches are growing and maturing into vibrant, mission-sending congregations.

And tomorrow? There is still much to be done! The harvest is more plentiful than ever and the workers still relatively few. Bible training and teaching are essential, as is the sustained sending and receiving of mission workers with a dynamic understanding of what it means to share the love of God.

Latin Link has always been a faith ministry and the Bible tells us that ā€˜faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.ā€™

We are certain that God will use all of us to do even greater things, far into the future, as we trust him to provide for our needs.

No doubt you are making plans for your future too. Have you thought about making a Will as part of that? Itā€™s so important to make careful provision for your loved ones. This could also be your opportunity to leave a lasting legacy to Latin Link. A legacy that, like Robert Kalleyā€™s, could further Godā€™s kingdom beyond your wildest expectations.

View or download our free Legacies leaflet below for more information about making a will, and leaving gift to charity. If you would prefer a printed version of the booklet, pleaseĀ Contact Us.




If you have any questions, or would like to let us know that you have named Latin Link in your will, please contact Catharine Turton (Legacy Officer) onĀ catharinet@latinlink.org.ukĀ or 01189 577117.

We are so grateful for all the legacies we receive. Not only are they a great blessing to those in real need, they are also a lasting tribute to people like you, who have taken time to consider how best to serve God with all that you have, both now and in the future. Thank you!