Longer-term Placements

Stay is Latin Link’s programme for those wanting to serve for several years or more. Stay members are involved in creating lasting change in communities, living out a longer-term calling to mission.

How long is 'longer-term'?

The Stay programme is for those wishing to serve for more than two years. The actual length of service varies greatly from person to person. You might initally have a desire to serve for three years, for example, but then want to extend it. Contracts tend to be on a three-year renewable basis. Some Stay members serve for one term and then return to their sending country. Others spend their whole working lives serving in mission.

Meeting real needs

Latin Link is well known across Latin America for sending longer-term workers. Stay members are sent to work at the invitation of the church in Latin America. Local churches and Christian organisations with which Latin Link partners make a specific request to Latin Link for workers to be sent.

Their ministries vary from training church leaders to supporting children at risk; from environmental care to writing Bible materials for young people; from counselling to church planting – and much more. Many work in community transformation projects, mobilising the church into mission and providing theological training. The work of Stay members is diverse and exciting, bringing glory to God and helping to transform thousands of lives!

They work to address local needs, using a whole range of skills. Their work covers a great variety of roles, but all fit within Latin Link’s focus on integral mission, sharing God’s love by addressing both spiritual and physical needs. This is often shown through a particular concern for those living in poverty, so many Stay members serve in economically disadvantaged communities.

A structure of support

All Stay members are required to have a sending church, as Latin Link recognises the importance of their church being fully involved in sending and supporting them. We aim to work in close partnership with the church’s leadership to facilitate this.

All Stay members are also part of a country team where they serve, with a mutual commitment to support each other pastorally and in ministry. Those sent from Britain and Ireland also receive support and care from staff based in the offices here, including debriefs whenever they are back home on leave.

The process: from Stride to Stay

People who would like to explore longer-term service in Latin America are first invited to apply for a two-year placement on the Stride programme. During these two years, they get a clearer idea of what longer-term service will entail. They receive mentoring, regular evaluations and discipleship.

Towards the end of the two years, they can apply to join the Stay programme. The selection process includes an evaluation of whether they would benefit from further theological or missiological studies, either in Britain and Ireland or Latin America. They may continue their original placement, or sometimes a new placement will be found that matches their calling and gifting.


If you’re interested in applying, please take a look at our Stride page.

Discover the impact

To find out about the impact of Latin Link’s Stay members, read some of their inspirational stories.

To chat with us more, please email Terry Lockyer, our Head of Programmes, at terryl@latinlink.org.uk. Thank you.