Wheelbarrows, Kids Club and Mystery Debriefs!

¡Hola muchachos!

It is our final day here in Los Guido, and we are working hard to finish the fence. 100+ wheelbarrow trips have been done to the tip and the old metal bars have a fresh coat of paint. It has been quite tiring work, especially without the help of the local children as they are back at school this week, but we have got by with the help of several panadería trips!


Last Sunday was Gilberto’s birthday and we enjoyed a BBQ celebrating with him! He now shares a birthday with a new grandson, who was born that morning and is adorable! Mum and baby are doing well and would appreciate prayer for the C-section recovery.

On Wednesday we helped with the kids work at the ‘Mum and Me’ club which is run here by an American missionary. The Mum’s sit at the front and are taught practical tips on being a parent, whilst the kids have fun at the back! It was really lovely and encouraging to meet other families in the community.

In church yesterday Olga gave a powerful preach and shared her testimony, and challenged everyone with the importance of sharing our testimonies to others. We looked at Saul’s conversion in Acts and received prayer for our journey home this weekend.

Tomorrow (Saturday) we head to our mystery debrief location (team leaders are being mean and keeping it a secret haha…) and are looking forward to reflecting and relaxing a bit before our onward travels. Thankfully we have a minibus to take us and all our bags there, unlike Rachel, Hannah and Luke’s interesting experience in rush hour the other day.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support over these last 3 weeks, which have absolutely flown by! We are all very excited to see our friends and family and share all our stories and photos!!

In particular, prayer for;

– Safe travel home on Monday for the team, onward travels for Rachel and Kayla for her big trip home to Canada

– Thanks for our good health whilst we’ve been here, apart from the odd dodgy tummy and one bout of food poisoning (poor Raquel!)

–  Thanks for the generosity and love of God shown by the locals here

– Any work we have been unable to complete will be finished with the help of the community’s service

¡Pura vida!