Our team has now been in Ecuador for a month – what a wonderful month it has been! We’re so thankful for the way God has been working in us over the last month, for the new friendships we have made and for all the opportunities we have been given to serve him in a new environment.

This week at the campamento, we started work digging steps in the mud, creating a footpath down to the river. This was hard work but we all really enjoyed it!

One rainy afternoon, we played volleyball and football with the Pastor and the family that we’re staying with at the Campamento. Although not all of us avoided slipping over in the mud, it was a really fun time to share with everyone.

This weekend we returned to Santo Domingo to continue with our involvement in the church groups there. On Saturday we went to the community’s kids club in Gran Colombia where we had a great afternoon getting to know everyone, teaching a memory verse and joining with songs such as ‘Who’s the king of the jungle?’ (in Spanish and in English!)

In the evening we were invited to join in with the church’s band practice and were asked to sing in the services the following day. We were nervous about this but it was a real blessing to praise God with the congregation in this way.

We are thankful for answered prayer for our safety over the weekend and for being placed in such a warm and welcoming church.

As we returned to the campamento after the weekend we had our first experience teaching English in the local school. The children were really happy to meet us and we’re excited about all the opportunities we will have in the school over the next two months.

We would appreciate continued prayer for our Spanish understanding to improve, for the strengthening of our relationships with members of the church and the local children’s group and for help coping with the heat and humidity of Santo Domingo.


Abi, Charlotte, Lily, Kate and Jessie