Work in Latin America is over! We have left Campamento Roblealto and are debriefing at one of the volunteerā€™s houses with our coordinator. The last two weeks have been incredible. God has worked so much in the lives of so many children this ā€œTemporadaā€/season. We had some incredible nights where the Spirit was moving through these young people. Bringing us to tears, bringing us to our knees. Incredible, incredible nights.

We can all say that God worked in us and through us these last couple of weeks. Speaking for myself, I have grown so much, learned so much. I have become closer to God, because when the work is this intense, and when you are thrown so deeply out of your comfort zone, all you can rely on, all that stands firm and never shakes, is God. I am sure my team members will agree.

Friday afternoon saw the last children leave, and all the volunteers had a beautiful time of relaxation (Dan, Reuben and myself showcasing some impressive ability on the volleyball court), reflection, worship and prayer.Ā A lot of pizza as well. It was also my birthday, and I felt so incredibly loved by everyone. Despite Milly and Dan being up at half 4, and the rest of us at half 6, we did not go to bed until about one, as we had a traditional volunteer initiation.


Beginning late at night, we were blindfolded and led around Camp, chucked into the freezing pool, forced to crawl through mud, and trekked next to the Campā€™s rapid river. We were all being led by more experienced volunteers who could see. At the end, we were all prayed for by the other volunteers, our blindfolds were taken off, and we finished with a dip in the river (at past midnight ā€¦)

Loads and loads of sad goodbyes, that is one of the realities of serving God abroad. We have all been so touched by the lives of the people here in Costa Rica. We have learned so much, been so inspired, been so warmly embraced, by these lovely, lovely people. And judging by what they have said to us, by the grace of God, we have made an impact on their lives as well.


Rest week coming up now! I thank you all for all the prayer, without you we would not have been able to do what we have done here in Latin America. I ask that you pray for a reflective and productive debrief, a safe flight back for Dan (he has work to do in the UK), and a lovely, relaxing holiday to say goodbye to the country that has treated us so, so well. God bless!

To read the previous reportĀ click here.