We have reached three weeks here in Mexico! We continue to be blessed by Godā€™s grace, love and strength to power us through the week and to fulfill God’s purpose of us being here.

This was our first week teaching in the school! A new, exciting experience for us all. The first day we started at Fundamento, which is the smaller, Christian school. They startĀ  the day with a devotional and song. This was really special and we thought this was a great start to the day to spend time with God and set you up for the day ahead. We then got split into the classes we would be working with. Josh and Dan with high school, Milly and Reuben with Primary, Bonnie with young Primary and Maria with preschool. We observed and joined in with their learning.

Afterwards we journeyed to the other school Carabez to meet the kids and teachers and find out what sort of things we would be doing there. It was amazing to see how receptive they were of us coming into the schools and were all very excited to meet us šŸ™‚

By this point the boys had moved to Fundamento to sleep, and this is where Dan’s attachment to the keys started. He took his role of locking up the church very seriously and did not let those keys to the church out of his sight, it is extremely amusing. We are all concerned for when he has to return them.


The next few days were fun but exhausting! We planned out lessons including activities, games and worksheets to do with the group of kids we were teaching. On the second day we played a big game at Fundamento at the end of the day with everyone. It was so lovely to see all ages mix together and how gracious the older ones were with the youngest. By Wednesday we were all tired but really encouraged by how the past few days had gone. We went back to Carabez and met more of the students in the classes. In the advanced English class they had some really interesting debates and we had a chance to share our opinions on the topics too.

Wednesday evening Milly, Dan and I (Maria) attended the evening service here at Fundamento. The worship was interesting but it was so nice to worship together.

Thursday was our rest day! Couldnā€™t have come sooner, we went to an amazing water park to relax after the week, the sulfuric volcanic water smell didnā€™t put us off. That afternoon we unexpectedly had to leave the womans house we were staying at (due to personal issues), but on the bright side w


ere all together as a team again, now all staying in the school in the classrooms they have very generously given up for us.

Friday evening, after teaching in the school, the boys were treated to tacos with Pastor Reuben. They had a lovely night at the taco restaurant which was owned by a woman from the church. The girls stayed and had a movie night and ice cream, was definitely needed!

On Saturday we spent the day with Mayra at her house, Milly and I went with her to Costco and our eyes started watering because of how good the food looked. We enjoyed every second of that. In the evening we went to a place near her house named Solesta, which is like a shopping mall, we had a lovely evening chatting and enjoying ice-cream (shock, again)

On Sunday we split into threes again, Josh, Milly and I went to Fundamento church service and Reuben, Dan and Bonnie went to Mayra’s church San Pablo. After church we went to a seafood restaurant with Pastor Reuben’s family (which we now realize may have been our downfall). We had a lovely day with the church families, worshiping God.

We have relied on God’s strength to help us persevere and continue with the week. We prayed throughout the week for energy to keep us going and God has provided. He has given us energy we didn’t know we had to continue to give everything we had to these children. We would love prayer for continued enthusiasm and energy as we enter next week. Prayer for ideas and motivation as we plan our classes for the kids. We are praying for both schools, especially the non-Christian school, that they would be open to what we have to say and come to know God’s love for them. Prayer for the families that are so generously giving up so much for us and providing us with everything we need and more. Prayer for health and wellbeing.

Thank you so much for all the continued support and prayer, we are fully relying on God for everything and he is providing more than we could imagine.

To read the previous reportĀ click here.