Arrow Leadership, Peru

Arrow Leadership, Peru

Arrow Leadership, Peru

Arrow Leadership is an intentional, transformational and relational programme that has been helping to develop Christian leaders around the world to be led more by Jesus, to lead more like Jesus, to lead more to Jesus, for the past 30 years.

Latin Link members Paul and Ruth Turner have been involved in developing and leading Arrow Peru. The first class of 16 leaders launched in 2022. The cost is set at a level to make it accessible for Peruvians from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Each leader has a volunteer mentor to invest in their leadership development, who they meet with regularly.  The programme lasts 15 months and fees cover food and accommodation costs for two in person 3 day intensives, the other 2 intensives are held virtually.

This means we rely on donations for other costs and to develop the programme further. Your gift could help provide a grant for a leader, develop further learning resources, expand our leader evaluation tools; amongst other things.

Please click on the button above to make a donation. Thanks so much for partnering with Arrow Peru.