Monday was our first full day in Arequipa, and we feel very blessed to be here.
We set off on Saturday morning at 2:30am and flew from Heathrow to Lima, via Paris, with Air France. The total journey was around 17 hours long and, although long, we found the flight comfortable. The food was tasty and there were movies and music to keep us entertained.
In Lima we were welcomed by Paul and Ruth Turner, and Hannah WIlkinson (the Short Term Coordinator for Latin Link). We had a nice meal in the evening and were able to catch up. The following morning the team met up with Hannah who gave us a very detailed and induction about the Peruvian culture and customs of the people we were to spend our next three weeks with. We then flew down to Arequipa – learning that non-passengers are currently not allowed into the airport following the protests a few months ago.
Once in Arequipa, we met with Ruth McKee (who is a physiotherapist at Shalom), who collected us from the airport. We then had dinner together with Ruth and her friend Lisbeth – they are both amazing and made us feel so welcome and at home.
On Monday morning we met Gershon (and his wife and two small children) who works in the International School and the Shalom Centre. We prepared a puppet stage for the camp we will be working at for the next few days. Gershon also showed us aound the school and introduced us to some of his colleagues. They are all so friendly and welcoming, and it is nice to be able to practice our Spanish.
On Tuesday we took the pupils from Shalom and their families to the campsite. Ruth has been working so hard to organise everything – there’s so much to think about and we are all impressed at how organised she is. Please join us in our prayers that these three days at camp run smoothly, for all involved. May God bless each family – give them a lovely time and much joy and relaxation.