Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo (CBC)

Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo (CBC)

Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo (CBC)

The Latin American Bible commentary (Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo, or CBC) is the first complete Bible commentary prepared by scholars FROM Latin America, and written specifically FOR Latin America. The fruit of 12 years of work by more than 100 experts, the CBC includes more than 100 articles relating Bible teaching to key issues in the continent. In many parts of Latin America, few pastors have received Bible training, and few have good resources to help them teach from the Bible, so there is great need to encourage and enable the clear preaching and teaching of Scripture.

The whole project has been designed to make the CBC available at the most economic price possible, but many pastors in Cuba and in Venezuela, who are hungry for good Biblical materials, have so few financial resources, and will need extra help in order to obtain a commentary.

If you would like to help provide CBCs for these pastors, click on the button above.

Many Latin Link members have been involved in the CBC project, including Manuel Reaño, Winifred Every-Clayton, Santiago Benavides, René González, and Juliana Morillo Horne. Ian Darke is the project coordinator.

Please use the comments box to leave a message, and the tick boxes to let us know whether you are happy for us to pass the details of your gift on to the project staff.