Donate to Latin Link

Thank you for giving to Latin Link! Please use the form below to let us know how you would like your gift to be used. Prefer not to give online? Please click here to see other ways you can donate!

Step 1: Choose from 4 different ways to give

Where most needed

We’ll use your gift where it is needed most in our wider work.

Support a person

Support one of our Stride or Stay members.

Support a project

Support one of our projects.

Support a fundraiser

Sponsor one of our fundraisers.

Step 2: Support a person

You’ve selected to support a person, please choose who you would like to support below

When making a gift to Latin Link we’ll use it to support the person or project you have specified. In the unlikely event that we can’t use the funds for the person or project specified, any unused funds will be used to support Latin Link’s wider work.

Douglas and María Augusta Cowan
Edith Vilamajó
Eduardo and Margo Huamán
Geoff Baines and Cesia Pascual
Hannah Larco (née Wilkinson)
Hans and Priscilla Breekveldt
Hazel and Martin Frost
Ian and Brenda Darke
Ian and Juliana Horne
Isaias and Olga Calle
Izaías and Ruth Daniel de Assis
Jax McCallum
Joe Stoneham
Joel Gonzalez and Mayra Gomez de Gonzalez
Julie Noble
Kate and Jacobo Moreno
Katy Griggs
Laura Sanlon
Lelmer and Renata Campos
Louis and Maribel Woodley

Step 3: Donate

Due to a technical issue, we are unable to set up regular donations from outside the UK on this website. Please click here to see alternative methods of giving. One-off donations are unaffected.