
Country Overview

  • Population: 46.9 million
  • Area: 505,988 km2
  • Climate: Mediterranean
  • Capital: Madrid
  • Currency: Euro
  • People: Spanish 87.67%, Others 12.33%
  • Languages: Spanish (Castilian), Catalan and its variant Valencia, Gallego (Galician), Euskera (Basque)
  • Religion: 68% Christian (0.5% evangelical), 1% Muslim, 3% other faiths, 28% non-religious
Geography and climate

From the mountains of the north, through the central plain, to the Mediterranean coast, Spain enjoys a Mediterranean climate with plentiful agriculture and industry, and extensive tourism.

Politics and economics

After centuries of exploration and conquest from the 16th century, Spain’s more recent history has been marked by civil war in the 1930s, the rule of General Franco until 1975, and the inauguration after that of King Juan Carlos as Head of State. Regional issues and conflict continue to be prominent. Meanwhile, Spain has moved from an isolated economy to an outward-looking, modern one, as a member of the European Union over the past three decades.

People and society

Spanish culture is rich, flamboyant and full of life. There are plenty of things to enjoy, including the people, food, dance, sport and, of course, the sun. The Spanish are a religious people, hospitable and welcoming.

Religion and the Church

Many in Spain see religion as a tradition steeped in superstition. The number of evangelical Christians in Spain is very small. The church therefore needs help, support and training in evangelism, leadership formation and discipleship.

Often pastors work alone in small churches. They need encouragement and more people to help with simple outreach, witness and organising activities. Thousands of Latin Americans have migrated to Spain, entering on ancestor visas, and a large percentage of evangelicals in Spain are from Latin America (80 per cent in many churches).

Latin Link’s work in Spain

The Cascadas study centre in Central Spain has been the main work connected to Latin Link for several years. In addition, Striders have served in student ministries, and both Striders and Steppers have worked with a church in Santander. With several longer-term members having arrived in Spain in recent years, and more Striders expected, a larger Latin Link team is now becoming a reality.

Mission opportunities in Spain

With a commitment to multidirectional mission, Latin Link is keen to see the church in Spain built up, including developing the mission of the Latin American church. We need people willing to integrate life and ministry, to love and serve people.

This could include evangelists, mentors, preachers and teachers, with creativity and flexibility. Or those that wish to use other professional skills as the context for their life and witness in Spain.

Language teaching, for example, can provide a local service and, with a church base, is also a good way of meeting people and sharing faith. Many churches are also involved in social action, and need people with organisational skills and a heart for the marginalised and least advantaged in society.


For more information, please see the Opportunities page of our International website (this will open a new tab).